
Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch News
animal crossing nintendo switch news

  1. #Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch News Series Has Been#
  2. #Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch News Plus The Location#
  3. #Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch News Portable Or Docked#

Oxford University researchers used data from the Nintendo Switch smash hit and Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville to look into how those games can affect your well-being.This game does not support the Save Data Cloud functionality of Nintendo Switch Online. However, a service to back-up Animal Crossing: New Horizons save data and recover it from the server in the event of console failure, loss or theft is available to Nintendo Switch Online members.Disney Magical World 2, the sequel to the popular 2014 Nintendo 3DS game that’s a mix between Kingdom Hearts and Animal Crossing, is coming to the Nintendo Switch this holiday season.

animal crossing nintendo switch news

Players who derive “genuine enjoyment from the games experience more positive well-being,” the researchers said. Additionally, players may have found the games a useful method of connecting with others amid COVID-19 social distancing measures.However, the study indicated gaming perhaps isn’t in and of itself a tonic for one’s emotional health. Researchers noted that the findings aligned “with past research suggesting people whose psychological needs weren’t being met in the ‘real world’ might report negative well-being from play. The PvZ data included details on player achievements as well as the emoticons gamers used.

Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch News Series Has Been

However, the gentle life sim has this time swallowed a survival game with a side order of Minecraft, resulting in something larger, more involving and, well, better.Swapping the traditional town setting for a small, previously uninhabited island, New Horizons plonks you in the middle of nature - starting you out with just a tent and some nick-nacks and tasking you with, eventually, creating a thriving community of like-minded souls. And will find much that is familiar, to boot - especially in theme and graphical style. Animal Crossing-ierAnyone who has played an Animal Crossing game in the series' 19-year existence will immediately know what to expect. And we are totally hooked. Now we know why.Nintendo has clearly taken its sweet, sweet time over its first Animal Crossing for Switch, to ensure that not only will it match the fanbase's expectations - but excel them.New Horizons is far more than a 3DS remaster or rework, it is an expansion and advancement on everything that has gone before. Its portability lends itself to games that don't particularly suit the Xbox One and PS4, and Nintendo's first-party exclusives will always make owners of those rival machines fizz with envy.But for all its Mario, Zelda, Pokémon and Kirby titles, one much-loved series has been absent since the console's birth.

Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch News Plus The Location

However, should you fancy playing the opposite in-game to that outside the window, select the other hemisphere.Like New Leaf on the 3DS and other former outings, New Horizons plays in real-time, with the real-world date and time in the lower left-hand corner and a synchronised day/night cycle. Once chosen it is permanent - even for other players on the same Nintendo Switch - so you have to decide wisely as you won't be able to alter it without starting all over again.The game suggests you set the hemisphere in relation to your own home, which will then ape the exact seasons you experience in the real-world: spring, summer, autumn and winter. This is important as it determines which season and climate you begin with. Island lifeYou start by choosing your map from four randomly generated options, plus the location of your new home - in terms of northern or southern hemisphere. It might start with not much open to you, but give it a few weeks and you'll soon be rewarded with the biggest array of customisation options offered yet. This time though, you also get to craft - a lot - and, eventually, unlock the ability to change the entire landscape through terraforming.This makes it easily the most complete Animal Crossing yet and one with extraordinary longevity.

World Nook DayPlus, on top of the regular monetary unit, New Horizons adds a new reward scheme in the form of Nook Miles. There's also always another opportunity to sink into debt again after each completed payment.Still, there are plenty of Bells to be had everywhere - and we love the idea that everything you can pick up you can transfer into credit. And, anything left over can be sold to earn enough cash (well, Bells, the in-game currency) to hand back to the penny-pinching, wannabe loan-shark Nook, before he sends the boys round.To be fair, you're only paying him back for services rendered - and the boys are couple of two-foot raccoons - but it still feels like you never truly own anything. These start out being mainly handed to you by the returning Tom Nook - who has become something of a multi-business entrepreneur in the last few years - and his nephews Timmy and Tommy.The in-depth crafting options added this time around mean everything on the island can be seen as a resource: trees for sticks and wood, rocks for stones, iron nuggets and clay, and even readily available weeds can be moulded into a makeshift umbrella. It then ups the ante on a daily basis, as you get more familiar with the controls and new features.

animal crossing nintendo switch news

How a lowly AC islander can catch a shark escapes us for now, but it's an impressive sight for sure. Even a huge shark tank is available, with any catches you might have made. Plus, there is a mighty aquarium wing, with the sort of tanks you'd see at the London Aquarium.

Cloud saving is not possible, so you can't play on one Switch and continue on another. Plus, as players on the same Switch can all play on the same island (indeed, they have to as it's one island per install), they can even help advance each other's homes and living conditions.If anything, that's the only main caveat to New Horizons. It can support up to four-player simultaneous play on the same screen, with each islander able to join in the fun using an individual Joy-Con or Switch controller.One of the players is designated leader - which can be swapped - so the screen focuses on him or her, but you can do pretty much whatever you like on the island together, much as if you were playing solo. You wouldn't want to, say, have a visitor cruelly chop down all your trees now, would you?You can also have multiple players play on the same Switch.

Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch News Portable Or Docked

However, we could have talked about so much more and still not given a whole lot away.In many ways, we will be continuing our journey alongside yours, should you choose to take the plunge, and we're certain you'll be as enamoured by its delectable charms.It must be said that, with its enhancements and extensions, Animal Crossing: New Horizons requires a fair amount of involvement to get the best from it. Indeed, it's so addictive it could end up taking over your real life. We were keen not to give away any significant spoilers, as the whole point of the series is surprise and discovery through exploration. We've only been playing the game for a couple weeks ourselves, albeit nonstop, so there is still much that even we need to do and experience.But then, that's the fun of Animal Crossing. With four seasons on offer, each with their own specific styling, plus weather effects and day/night cycle, the game has plenty to offer aesthetically.Remarkably, for everything we've covered so far, we can't help feel we've only scratched the surface of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Graphically speakingOne thing is for sure, whether you are playing on Switch Lite or a Switch in portable or docked mode, New Horizons looks great.It is cartoony, as its predecessors, but there is great use of the available colour pallette, lighting and high-def crispness. That's great for a family that wants to share their experiences, less so for feuding brothers and sisters who take pleasure in destroying what each has built.

animal crossing nintendo switch news